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A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare Nation


Hall for Cornwall's Shakespeare Nation Community Company took to the stage once again on Sun 30 April, this time with a groovy 60s-inspired production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Shakespeare Nation Assistant Producer Sam Rankin shares his experience as both assistant producer and performer.

"Once again, another great Shakespeare Nation project has come to an end. Now that the post-show blues have eased off, I find myself thinking about just how wonderful the last three and a half months have been. Working on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, both as assistant producer and performer, has been an absolute delight from start to finish.


I keep finding myself working on these extraordinary theatre projects, that pull together the most amazing, creative, and genuinely lovely people. Under the direction of Alister & Miranda from Prodigal UPG, each session is an acting masterclass, and you just know the working relationships that are forged in the rehearsal room are going to be lasting ones.

With so many familiar faces returning from last year’s Comedy of Errors, the project this time round was always going to be a whole lot of fun. Things were taken to another level this year with a host of new talent joining the group, making it one of those stand-out rewarding, life-affirming experiences, that end up meaning so much to all involved.

Through dedication, focus and hard graft, A Midsummer Night’s Dream was a massive success – the cheering, the standing ovations and the jumping up and down from the audience telling us everything we needed to know!

I’m never quite prepared for the emotional toll that accompanies these sorts of projects. Though it’s always sad when suddenly it’s all over, the truth is another project will follow, and personally I cannot wait.

So, here’s to the next one…"

Sam Rankin, Shakespeare Nation Assistant Producer (Hall for Cornwall)

If you’d like to get involved in next year's production, please register your interest at [email protected]


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