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Made in Cornwall Scratch Night 2024

Made in Cornwall Scratch Night 2024

Thu 20 Jun - 19:00
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Thu 20 Jun - 19:00 Book Now


Made in Cornwall Scratch Night 2024

Thu 20 Jun – 7pm

Made in Cornwall Scratch Nights is a partnership project between Hall for Cornwall, Miracle Theatre, Carn to Cove, intoBodmin, AMATA and imPOSSIBLE Producing. The format is simple: you test something out, audience members discuss the work with each other then provide written feedback to you.

The aim of collaborative working on a Scratch Night culture across Cornwall is to continue and grow work begun by Hall for Cornwall and intoBodmin in establishing a vibrant Scratch culture in Cornwall.

Ready to get involved? Download an application form here, complete and return to [email protected] or just enjoy watching others give it a go!

Deadline for applications: Fri 03 May

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Made in Cornwall Scratch Night 2024

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